At Humentum, we first investigate whether you have come to the right place as an entrepreneur. If there is a mutual click and we can offer the help you need, we will immediately start with an extensive intake interview.
During the intake we ask a number of questions to find out how urgent, how big the problems are and what other entrepreneurial issues there are:
During our introduction, we also explain the possible trajectories of assistance: what are the possibilities and conditions. In which part can we support you directly from the Foundation and for which part is extra expertise required or referral to chain partners. The options for a possible relaunch or restart can be further determined in a later follow-up step. If the customer wants to continue, an agreement is made and signed. Based on the intake, it is decided together whether the Humentum Foundation is the best party to help or whether the entrepreneur will be referred.
The entrepreneur is referred to the Municipality or a partner if this is in the interest of the entrepreneur.
2. Crisis bridging.
The Humentum Foundation has knowledge of the usual arrangements for support from the government and of the possibilities of credit and refinancing through Qredits, among others. In consultation, it can be examined whether these are interesting opportunities for the entrepreneur.
If it appears that a company is not (any longer) viable, we support the entrepreneur with the orderly termination of the company and we guide the entrepreneur to the Municipality.
If, after discussions and a positive SWOT analysis, a restart is seen as a realistic option, advice is given on how a company can best be stabilized and then grow again (see also point 4).
5. Customized partial solutions (depending on specific requests for help and preferably after an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses (SWOT).
Helping entrepreneurs requires customization and teamwork, but also a personal touch. The Humentum Foundation works as much as possible with one contact person who is supported by a team of specialists. The contact person then represents all interests and answers all questions, but can always call on the specialists and partners of the Humentum Foundation.
Send us an e-mail: and we will contact you as soon as possible.